Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Every thirteen seconds, a child is abused in the U.S. An average of four children die everyday from the effects of abuse and neglect. In the U.S, there are about 325,000 children who undergo physical abuse, 135,000 who are undergoing sexual abuse, and 148,500 who are experiencing emotional abuse. Studies have shown that abuse is even through genders, although young girls are more likley to experience sexual abuse than young boys are. Through the ethinicities, about one half of the recipients were white, one fifth were african american, and another fifth was hispanic. Childer younger than one year recieve 42.2% of abuse. Children 1-3 make up 33.5%. Children 4-7 are 12.9%. Children 8-11 are 4.7%. Children 12-17 make up 6.5%.


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