Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Aftermath

Perhaps the most horrible thing about abuse is the psychological damage that it can do to a child. At such a young age, a child is easily impressionable and very vulnerable to influences. Since home is where the child lives, and where the parents and abuse is, the child can pick up the habits formed by the parents, or teh abuser. This can lead to an endless cycle of abuse. 93% of children who are abused will most likely end up like one of their parents. It is unfair to force a child to form into such a monster and to continue a chain of violence. Children who undergo abuse often have a very low self confidence and ability to trust others. In a world that calls for confidence, losing self-confidence is one of the worst things that could happen to a child. The child may not strive for good grades or good friends, and will lower standards the child should have. A child who cannot trust others cannot truly form bonds of friendsip, and necessary experiences for a young child are forever lost.

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