Tuesday, March 30, 2010

How can a Victim Take a Stand?

This subject is a very hard for a victim to bring up. They fear that they will be hurt or beaten again for telling somebody what is going on, but it's only for the better. If many of victims bring up the problem people can approach it in a helpful manner. We need to stop abuse as soon as we can. So that people can live a happy and joyful life. The Four Fighters will do anything to help victims so let us know if we can help you in anyway. We won't approach you as a counselor, we will approach you as a teenager who can help you and see where you're coming from. We would like to have a Child Abuse Awarness Day were all the victims can march and feel powerful for something they have been through and also talk to other victims who have been through the same thing as them. I will do anything to help victims in their crisis. I have a strong opinion on this topic and I will talk and do the best I can to STOP THE VIOLENCE.


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