Tuesday, March 30, 2010

How to Help the Abused

There are so many things you can do to help the abused! Give them support, encourage them to get help, and so much more. So many children out there are being abused and no one even knows about it. But if we raise awareness people will know more about the problem, so we can do more to fix it. If you do know someone who's being abused don't go to them and try to act like you know everything. Go and talk to them and be someone who can listen and help to the best of there ability but don't try to act like you know what they're going through, if you don't. Sometimes it might only make it worse. Let the person know they don't have to be afraid to talk to you, and that they can trust you. But one of the things that might be the most helpful of all to let the abused know you can trust them.
If you know you can't do anything to help someone, but you have a trusted adult you feel can, you should tell them. Do anything you can to get the abused out of their situation, while still keeping them safe.


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